3:00 PM - 8:00 PM
June 19, 2022
Sweet Spot is coming back to Chicago for Pridefest with Deanne and Alexis Tucci spinning Sweet Spot’s signature house and disco flavor!
Sweet Spot is coming back to Chicago for Pridefest weekend with Sweet Spot Resident, Deanne, and their very special guest, Alexis Tucci, spinning an electrifying blend of Sweet Spot’s signature house and disco flavor! Alexis is making her debut for Sweet Spot and a long-awaited return to the windy city.
This is a party for everyone under the rainbow.
Prepare for a shockingly delicious amount of joy and good vibes for this one!
Hosted by the one and only, Khloe.
Tickets available at https://sweetspotnightlifemiami.com
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